There's pain, struggle when it comes to exiting a startup or a product as a Founder. This can be due to: ✅ New Product Ideas Validation ✅ Inability to Market & Scale the Startup ✅ Burn Out from Micro Managing Multi StartUps ✅ Exit completely to focus on Fulltime gigs etcetera Most of the time this leaves you in a dilemma, not knowing what to do with the startups. Exiting and acquisition process can be tedious due to premium requirements & numerous rejections based on mostly Revenue Metrics. The startup is market fit, but on the other hand you have less motivation to keep scaling it. Don't abandon that Tool ⚙, leaving it as a Dead Project. Instead jump on to startupsacquisitions.com submit & list. Find your next buyer. You don't need $50K MRR to exit. Just an MVP and you are good to go.
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