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    Bookmarking tool for websites, newsletters, feeds, articles, and much more. 💛

    5.0 (1 reviews)

    About Pincone

    Meet Pincone – your new go-to bookmarking tool. Pincone is a fun, intuitive, and well-designed tool you can use by yourself and with a team. With Pincone, you can subscribe to, save, organize, comment, label, easily search, and re-read your favorite links, articles, RSS feeds, websites, and newsletters! Create an Inbox inside of Pincone and get a unique email address. Use this unique address and subscribe to one or more newsletters that will land straight into your Pincone. Get access to one Inbox and up to three RSS feeds for free. But, we also offer a $30 annual plan with no restrictions.


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    As a marketer, Pincone is one of my go-to tools for organizing ideas, inspiration, plans, and content I find interesting. The cherry on top is the ability to share it all with my lovely team!