CAGR Calculator

Calculate the Compound Annual Growth Rate

About CAGR Calculator

CAGR stands for Compounded Annual Growth Rate. In the finance field it is commonly used as CAGR while determining returns. CAGR is the average rate at which an investment grows yearly over the period of time. You can calculate the CAGR return for your investment in Prodpapa’s CAGR Calculator.

You can calculate CAGR online with the help of our CAGR Calculator. You just have to enter the beginning and ending value of your investment and tenure of it in the above calculator. Our CAGR calculator will then find the CAGR return % of your investment.The CAGR formula is: ((Ending value/beginning value)^(1/period)-1)

A CAGR return of more than 10% is considered good in most cases. It also depends on the type of instruments. For example, if an investment is in equity instruments, CAGR return of 15-30% is considered good. In fixed instruments, CAGR return of 8-12% is considered good. Whether your investment return is good or not you can calculate it using our CAGR Calculator online.

Absolute return simply tells the total growth in the investment value and ignores the time period. Whereas, CAGR return provide the average yearly growth rate in the investment. Absolute return is useful if the time period is less than a year.